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This directory builds the miniport driver for Adaptec’s 1540 family of SCSI controllers. This driver

  • 资源大小:41 K
  • 上传时间: 2023-12-27
  • 上传用户:zongxh
  • 资源积分:2 下载积分
  • 标      签: driver This controllers directory

资 源 简 介

This directory builds the miniport driver for Adaptec’s 1540 family of SCSI controllers. This driver exports several functions which are used by SCSIPORT.SYS to issue SCSI requests to the devices attached to the controller, process adapter interrupts, and various other SCSI activities. This driver is also responsible for detecting non-Plug and Play 1540 SCSI controllers—the Plug and Play controllers are detected by the operating system—and for shutting down the controller during device removal or power management operations. This sample also demonstrates the use of the SCSIWMI library to add WMI functionality to SCSI miniports. This library can be linked into a miniport and provides most of the framework needed to expose WMI data blocks to SCSIPORT and the system.

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